
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergründe
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


Raed in the Middle: "The official number of US soldiers wounded in Iraq that was announced by the US DOD (department of defense) is 8458 in Iraq and 423 in Afghanistan.

Can anyone believe that the US military hospital at Germany (alone), the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, announced that 20,802 troops have been treated at Landstuhl from injuries received in 'Operations Iraqi Freedom' (occupying Iraq) and 'Enduring Freedom' (occupying Afghanistan). "

Raed in the Middle: "The official number of US soldiers wounded in Iraq that was announced by the US DOD (department of defense) is 8458 in Iraq and 423 in Afghanistan.

Can anyone believe that the US military hospital at Germany (alone), the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, announced that 20,802 troops have been treated at Landstuhl from injuries received in 'Operations Iraqi Freedom' (occupying Iraq) and 'Enduring Freedom' (occupying Afghanistan). "


CFR Publications: Marr: ''We Shouldn't See the Sunni Community as Monolithic'': "Phebe Marr, a highly regarded expert on Iraq, cautions that Iraq's Sunnis are not a monolithic group. She concedes that many Sunnis are involved in the insurgency. But, she argues, there are still advantages in reaching out to various Sunni factions as a way to possibly undermine opposition to the U.S. occupation and the interim Iraqi government."

Hello From the land of the Pharaohs Egypt: "Today, the conference on Iraq ended. I'm not sure how it will change stuff on the ground but several positive steps were taken. First, Powell will go to the Israel/Palestine region to revive the peace process that MUST be revived. Second, Powell had a chitchat with the Iranian foreign minister. Egypt, the host, arranged the dinner seats in such a way that enabled Powell to sit beside Kamal Kharazi. I really prefer dialogue with Iran simply because Iraq is everything. And it seems that those Iranians are using the nulcear thing to draw concessions from the West."

Live From Dallas: November 2004: "World Vision Australia, a nonprofit relief organization, which operated in Iraq since April 2003 is pulling its relief workers out of Iraq and closing its offices inside Iraq. "

A star from Mosul: Let the confusion begin!: "What you see as the INSURGENTS, or the resistance are actually divided into groups.. After a long discussion between me and dad, he decided that they're probably four groups.
Here are the groups:"


Today in Iraq: "Police have become such targets that many switch their uniforms for civilian clothes before going home at night. National Guards don balaclavas with their uniforms and keep their jobs secret from neighbours for fear of reprisals."

The Green Side: "Just came out of the city and I honestly do not know where to start. I am afraid that whatever I send you will not do sufficient honor to the men who fought and took Fallujah. "

Occupation Watch:?For Fallujah Family, a Daring Escape: "With his 4-year-old son hitched to his back and his wife clinging to his neck, Abid Mishal plunged into the Euphrates River. The muddy water was moving fast, too fast, and he lost control when a mortar shell landed in the river five yards from where he was swimming. His son slipped into the water."

Occupation Watch:?STOP THE ESCALATION: "We demand that the United States face up to reality, unconditionally withdraw their troops from Iraq, and draw the necessary conclusions as to the unacceptable nature of preventive war. It is an illusion to ask that the U.S. forces remain until Iraq is pacified or stabilized, because their very presence is so hated that it constitutes the main obstacle to any sort of pacification.(...)
first provisional list of signatories (30.10.04)

Noam Chomsky, author, USA

Jean Bricmont, prof. of theoretical physics and political publicist, writer of this petition, Belgium

Lieven De Cauter, prof of philosophy, Belgium

Patrick Deboosere, demographer, Belgium


Iraq & Iraqi`s: "I hope the people of Falluja would understand that the battle in their city is not against them; actually it?s for them and on behalf of them against those who took them as hostages and used them as shields. But to be honest I don?t think the people of Falluja would understand that or believe it for a long time from now???.why?......... They still believe the conspiracy theory and don?t take facts for granted."