
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergründe
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


THE WAR IN CONTEXT:: Iraq, the War on Terrorism, and the Middle East Conflict - in Critical Perspective: "Iraq will be lucky if it manages to avoid a breakup and civil war, and the country risks becoming the spark for a vortex of regional upheaval, concludes a report released Wednesday by Britain's highly regarded Royal Institute of International Affairs."


Dagger JAG: 08/01/2004 - 08/31/2004: "On Monday I spoke with Eric Niiler from NPR about my blog and how the army is treating bloggers. Here's the link to the story. Eric told me in the email requesting the interview that he was doing a story on soldier's blogs from Iraq, specifically our motivation to post about our experiences and also the OPSEC vs. censorship angle. "

Rehabilitation of Old Generator Brings Electricity to 51,000 Homes: "BAGHDAD ? An electricity generator that had fallen into disrepair after two decades of neglect and war is back on line this morning in northern Iraq, producing enough electricity to service 51,000 Iraqi homes. "

Little Brothers See Little Problem Deployed Together: "Many Soldiers bring a little piece of their lives with them on a deployment to Iraq; pictures and gifts often decorate the Soldiers? home away from home.
Not as common, however, is bringing your brother with you on a deployment, along with a shared passion. For two brothers in the Illinois Army National Guard, that is exactly what happened."

Opening Safe Doors for Iraqi Women: "Good things can come out of the rubble of war and one thing is the first Safe House for battered and abused women in Baghdad, Iraq. "

shut up you fat whiner!: "I thought democracy was supposed to be about listening to the other point of view and working to find the middle ground. "

American Soldier: There is something brewing in Russia: "I am very concerned about what events have taken place in Russia in the past week. They got themselves a 9/11 situation going on there. I mean these thugs have threatened to kill innocent children. This is not good!"

THE WAR IN CONTEXT:: Iraq, the War on Terrorism, and the Middle East Conflict - in Critical Perspective: "As I walked the floor of the convention yesterday, I asked anyone I ran into from a congressman and the chairmen of various state delegations to ordinary delegates (the genuine political warriors of this administration's push to the November polls), about the President's war on terror, his decision to invade Iraq, those missing weapons of mass destruction, the 9/11 attacks, and the ties, as they saw it, between them all. As a group, they were immensely approachable, willing, sometimes eager to talk even to a reporter with credentials from Mother Jones magazine. The chairmen were certainly practiced on these questions -- the head of the Kansas delegation, for instance, promptly went into a rap on Saddam Hussein that he had clearly repeated many times before."

Hammorabi: "What happened in the Nepalese Capital today by attacking the Muslims' mosques and properties as well as the Embassies and airline buildings of some Arab countries is a normal reaction to the mass killing of their fellow citizens."


Healing Iraq: "Mohammed Bashar Al-Faidhy, spokesman of the Association of Muslim Scholars, addressed the 'Iraqi resistance' in an open message at a press conference broadcast by the Arab satellite channels yesterday. He stressed the point that this was the first time for the association to openly address the 'resistance'."

Reports AugSept04: more on jerusalem, and bethlehem: "We did a
political tour' of jerusalem and were shown all the parts of jerusalem that never quite make it onto the tourist agendas (if only they did, surely its better to know the reality than continue to believe in some make believe never never land?). "

iraqi wannabe: justin alexander?s blog: "It's painful writing about this, but here is a quick update on developments with regard to Enzo: (1) The Italian media had been saying that the video submitted to Al-Jazera featured a violent execution, however the station has denied this and said that the 15 seconds of footage only had 'one scene showing ... the body partly hidden in sand, with only the face, neck and part of the shoulder visible.' "

From Ann Arbor to Beirut: Signing off: "I find it tough to enjoy Israel and places like Tel Aviv and Elat when not so far away, on the other side of a wall that is quickly being contstructed, the shit continues to go down"

Live From Dallas: "Lately, Iraq has been a practical example for the Harry Potter story. Al-Sadr being Lord Voldemort. Yes, he is. Let's stop denying the fact that he's ruining the future of Iraq. Harry Potter is Al-Sistani, who solves any crisis by the end of every episode of Sistani Potter and Lord Sadr. Allawi reminds me so much of Professor Dumbledore, who supposedly has the ultimate powers but didn't act much during the first rounds while Voldemort was running around killing every good person in the wizardly world."

The Media: Journalists' kidnappers issue new deadline: "Journalists' kidnappers issue new deadline E-mail this
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Report, IFEX/RSF, 31 August 2004

RSF has urged the Arabic news media, which have already been making unprecedented appeals for the release of kidnapped French journalists Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot, to once again publish the exact details of France's law on the Islamic veil."

Today in Iraq: "Negotiations with al-Sadr collapse. ?Leaders of the Mahdi Army, the rebel force led by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr, and two well-placed Iraqi sources said an agreement had been reached late Monday that called for the disarming of the rebel force and a halt in American military operations in Sadr City. Mahdi Army commanders and other Iraqi sources said Tuesday that Dr. Allawi backed out of the agreement on Tuesday morning. The failure of negotiations raised the prospect of more violence from Mr. Sadr's Shiite insurgency, meaning the Iraqi government may not be able to direct its full political and military resources to quelling the continuing Sunni insurgency in other parts of the country.?"

IRAQ THE MODEL: "I?ve just heard about the execution of the 12 Nepalese hostages and I want to send my sincere condolence to their families on their terrible loss at the hands of the criminals who call themselves resistance."

Iraqi Bloggers Central: End of the Road: "Astoria, New York -- The executive board of Iraqi Bloggers Central, considered by many as one of the best of the new American weblogs about Iraq, voted unanimously today to discontinue its weblog service in protest of the amnesty given to Muqtada Al-Sadr and his Madhi militia."

: "IRAN: Washington cannot afford to wait until a more pro-U.S. government comes to power in Iran, say Council Fellow Ray Takeyh and Nikolas K. Gvosdev in The Washington Quarterly. "

CFR Publications: How to Counter WMD: "WORST PEOPLE VS. WORST WEAPONS
President George W. Bush has rightly proclaimed that keeping the worst weapons out of the hands of the worst people is Washington's highest national security priority. But so far, the United States has attacked the people much more vigorously than the weapons."

Hammorabi: "If the beheading and killing of the 12 Nepalese by a terrorist group (Insar Al-Sunnah-Wahabist group) is true then we are entering a new of phase of terrorism with mass killing by different ways! This makes our concern about the possible use of WMD by the terrorists to kill as many people as they can more likely."


Chromedomezone: " Well, last time I checked Congress has still not declared war. What they did was abdicate their responsibilities (yes, Kerry too!) and wrote a blank check to President Bush to do whatever needed to be done. "

12 Nepalese Reportedly Executed in Iraq :: Iraq Net :: Iraq's Online News Resource: "A Web site linked to an Iraqi militant group showed a video of what was purported to be the killing of 12 Nepalese workers by militants who had kidnapped them.

The Nepalese Foreign Ministry said it could not confirm the report of the hostages' deaths. The 12 had been reported kidnapped Aug. 20. "

Iraq & Iraqi`s: "When Faluja problems started I used to post daily, but now with the problems in Najaf I didn?t have the enough time to do so, beside this time the media was not so bad in reporting and putting the matter on TV stations as it was in Faluja. Even if they tried to make the rebels in Najaf look like resistance to the occupation, they always faced unreasonable acts from the armed men there and their leaders and a very bad example for an Iraqi mentality. So I was not so worry that Najaf problems would be misunderstood world wide, especially with an Iraqi government taking over from the coalition forces and a professional Iraqi media tried their best to give the facts and react against the opposite media."

THE WAR IN CONTEXT:: Iraq, the War on Terrorism, and the Middle East Conflict - in Critical Perspective: "Message from Kroc Institute Director, University of Notre Dame:

'Tariq, a Swiss scholar, accepted an appointment to be our Luce Professor of Religion, Conflict and Peacebuilding. It is a joint, tenured appointment with the Department of Classics. Earlier this year he applied for, and received, a work visa from the U.S. State Department. He was to start work this semester, with Aug. 24 his first day of teaching a course in Islamic Ethics.

'But in late July, two weeks before he and his family were to arrive in South Bend, he was informed that his visa had been revoked at the request of the Department of Homeland Security. No explanation has been given to him, or to the university.'"

American Soldier: Election News! - War News! - Election News! - War News!: "Election News! - War News! - Election News! - War News!
Have you notice the trend with this shit? Almost like this is all prefabricated and you can expect the same shit but different day! So over the weekend we had a big explosion in Kabul, and people protesting Bush. Then this morning we have the GOP convention happenings, with some minor news placed somewhere on the news page."

shut up you fat whiner!: "what do the Iraqi Symphony Orchestra, the Basra traditional arts group, galleris on Abu Nawas street and a Tattoo shop have in common?

A second Pax TV film. "

BAGHDAD DWELLER - History of Iraq Communist Party (ICP)..... Part 1 (Political Chaos): "History of Iraq Communist Party (ICP)..... Part 1 (Political Chaos) "

Iraq calling: 08/01/2004 - 08/31/2004: "Thursday night I was visiting one of our units at their base near Baghdad. "


A star from Mosul: They say....: "They say that you don't know what you're missing till you have it., "

Iraq Diaries: Non-Violent Action: "Eight lanes of traffic streamed toward Najaf. In cars and minivans, on buses and flatbed trucks, tens of thousands of men, young and old, sang and danced. "

Diary from Baghdad: My condolences: "First of all, I would like to send my deep condolences to the family of the Italian journalist who was executed by some terrorists under the name of Islam. Islam should repudiate from their acts and I blame Islamic leaders for not taking a strong stand against them. But I think they are afraid from them, because they have no mercy to anyone standing against their interests."

THE WAR IN CONTEXT:: Iraq, the War on Terrorism, and the Middle East Conflict - in Critical Perspective: "Marchers denounce Bush as they pass GOP convention hall
By Christine Hauser, New York Times, August 29, 2004

On bicycles, on foot, and some with their children in tow, hundreds of thousands of people moved through areas of Manhattan today in rallies or mass demonstrations, carrying messages against war and the Bush administration."

American Soldier: First Blood - My Intro to Special Forces: "First Blood - My Intro to Special Forces
Below is an excerpt of a story I wrote about an event that took place while serving in Korea. Many didn't even know that there are still engagements from time to time with the North and South Korean Forces. "

shut up you fat whiner!: going down to Funky Town....again: "Went to Sadr City again today, I felt I needed more material and was hoping to see some sort of welcoming festivities. "

IRAQ THE MODEL: "The battle of Najaf is over but the crisis has not ended yet as well as battles in other parts of Iraq. We are now in another 'truce' as long as the reasons that led to this crisis haven't been resolved yet and as long as every party still has demands that he sees as essential and cannot be negotiated, and at the same time each party sees himself as not defeated in that confrontation."

Live From Dallas: "Alaa published an open letter to the peaceful Iraqi people in Arabic. Here's the translation of his letter in English. His words are wonderful as usual."

Mustang in Iraq: Pity the Pakis: "TCNs. Third Country Nationals. First country is, or at least should be, Iraq. Second country is either the United States of America, Brittan, or another member of the coalition that is also a member of the economic first world. Third Country has a double meaning within the acronym TCN. Not only are these people from a 3rd country in this conflict, they are from the third world. Point or purpose? They are also treated third rate."

BAGHDAD DWELLER: "Stories of ?miracles of the Mahdi Army? and of ?divine intervention? during the battle. One of these stories tells of a mortar gun which started firing on its own. ?But who was reloading it?? your question is ignored.
Don?t forget to check out the National Geographic, they have a documentary about the Shiites in Iraq "