
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergründe
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


Informed Comment : 11/01/2004 - 11/30/2004: Levine Guest Editorial: "We're all Israelis Now."

Hammorabi: "In our last article and most simple questioner about the US election about 75% of the commentators in this site voted for GWB. Ultimately he won though not by 75% but we may say by majority (including Ohio) especially compared to 2000 election!"

Hammorabi: "France called for the masked men and those who beheading people to join a national conference about Iraq in Egypt and Paris."

Nabil's Blog: "I want to congratulate the American people about the last elections (America you did the right thing), I was by the side of Bush, in fact I wanted him to win because he is the man, he is the one who lebrated us from the SH, and I am not against Kerry because I don't know much about him. what am I talking about I can't even vote I am just giving some talking.....(LOL)"


MY WAR: Blogs offer view of soldiers' lives: "Blogs offer view of soldiers' lives
By Ellen Simon
The Associated Press"

Baghdad Burning: "Help Someone...
The Jarrars have started a fantastic campaign to collect money and, working along with some of the few remaining NGOs in Baghdad, purchase first-aid supplies, food and other necessities to send along to Iraqi cities in dire need of this stuff. You can read more about it on Raed's blog. "

American Soldier: "What is in a vote? I mean really, you listen to what these blood suckers say and you base your decision based off what strikes your fancy the best. I guess I can best relate this mindset to the chair or the needle! The lesser of two evils is a shitty concept I think."

THE WAR IN CONTEXT:: Iraq, the War on Terrorism, and the Middle East Conflict - in Critical Perspective: "Why Osama wants Bush to win
By Daniel Benjamin, Slate, October 31, 2004

Does Bin Laden care about the outcome of the election? It has become a commonplace -- certainly among Republican politicians and conservative commentators -- to say that Bin Laden wants Bush to lose."