
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergründe
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


Today in Iraq: "
Crooks. ?A comprehensive examination of the U.S.-led agency that oversaw the rebuilding of Iraq has triggered at least 27 criminal investigations and produced evidence of millions of dollars' worth of fraud, waste and abuse, according to a report by the Coalition Provisional Authority's inspector general."

Baghdad Burning: "The heat is unbearable. It begins very early in the day and continues late into the night. You?d think that once the sun has set, the weather would cool appreciably- no such thing in Baghdad. Once the sun sets, the buildings and streets cease to absorb heat and instead begin to emanate it. If you stand a few centimeters away from any stucco or brick wall, you can feel the waves of heat coming at you from every crack and crevice."

Unreported war: US document reveals scale of conflict - Robert Fisk: 29 July 2004: "Unreported war: US document reveals scale of conflict
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad - 29 July 2004 "

Institute for War and Peace Reporting: "Ramadis Pledge to ?Drive Out? US Troops
Citizens of town in central Iraq take pride in their resistance to American-led occupation.
By Wisam al-Jaff in Ramadi (ICR No. 76, 27-Jul-04)"


Today in Iraq: "Foreign truck drivers refuse to deliver goods in Iraq. ?On his first journey to Iraq in eight months, Jordanian truck driver Faisal Suleyman was followed, pulled over and robbed by four men in a sky-blue taxi brandishing automatic weapons."

Back to Iraq 3.0:"Hey, did you know the Iraqis are about to hold a National Conference of 1,000 delegates to choose the 100 members of the interim Iraqi parliament? Not many in the western press seemed to notice, either."